Make your lambda functions lightweight
Make your lambda functions lightweight

I see a lot of articles on how to create a lambda with simple steps, always showing the hello world. But every time you start using dependencies in your lambda function, it starts to weigh. So, this article will show you how to make your lambda more lightweight and have only the function that we need to execute

My VSCode Extensions
My VSCode Extensions

Let me share what I use on the daily basis for vscode

How to create a cron job in Vercel
How to create a cron job in Vercel

Vercel release a few weeks ago a feature that we were waiting for a long time ago. This feature was already on other platforms as Netlify, so I’m glad that we have it now on this platform.

How to create a simple API in Vercel
How to create a simple API in Vercel

Sometimes creating an API and deploying it to a cloud provider like AWS, GCP, or Azure can be a difficult task. However, Vercel makes it extremely simple to create and deploy your API to the cloud platform. With this tiny tutorial, you can have a simple API in minutes

Improve your commits and Pull Request
Improve your commits and Pull Request

This time I'm going to be focused on commits, and you are starting asking "Commits?" Yes! commits! :)

First Post - A new journey begins
First Post - A new journey begins

Hey! I'm Cesar!
